Minggu, 30 Oktober 2016


Hasil gambar untuk participleLook at the following examples !

1. Back paint is one of the most common reasons people to the doctor and a leading cause of disability   worldwide.
2. When infected arthropods bit someone, they may leave the bacteria that cause typhus behid.
3. Scratching the bite opens the skin and allows the bacteria to enter the bloodstream.

The bolded words are called participles. A participle is a word formed from a verb and used as and adjective. There are two kinds of participles, They are the present participle (ending -ing) and the past participle (ending -ed,-en, -n, etc.)

1. Present Participles
    present participles are also called active participles. They are ended by -ing.

      Verb + -ing 
- Active Participles Follow Noun
   Example : the leaves Falling to the ground are colorful.

- Active Participles Precedes Noun
   Example : the falling leaves are colorful

- Active Participle repleces after
   Example : After i finished the assignment, i go to school.
                        Having finished the assignment, i go to school.

- Active participle replaces because/since/as/for
   Example : my gradfather has to wear glasses since he is old
                        Being old, My fradfather has to wear glasses.

- Active Participle repleces when/while
   Example : when was i walking along the garden, i saw an accident
                        walking along the garden, i saw an accident.

- Active participle follows verbs of preception
   Example : i saw the boy sitting under the tree

2. Past Participles
past paerticiples are also called passive participles. They are by -ed -en -n -t ,or -d


- Passive participle (as an adjective) follows noun 
   Example : The Window Broken by ella yesterday belongs to Mr. Andi.

- Passive participle (as an adjective) precedes noun
   Example : The broken window has been repaired.

- Passive participle replaces because/since/as/for.
   Example : Because the town surrounded by mountains, it has a cold climate.
                        Surrounded by mountains, the town has a  cold climate.

- Passive participle follows object of verbs of perception.
   Example :  i heard the song sung by Diana Ross 


Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2016

Explanation Text

Hasil gambar untuk explanation text
Explanation is kind of text which tells or explains processes relating to forming of natural,social,scientific,and cultural phenomena . in this part, we are going to learn about explanation function to explain the stages of the procces of how certain phenomenon or event happens.
There are many kinds of explanation text, such as science,geography, and history textbooks.

General Structure
  • General Statment
     it is the general statment  about the phenomenon issue which is to be explaind.
  • A Sequenced Explanation
     it consist of sequenced explanation of why/how something occurs,or a saries of chronological steps which explain "how"or"why" something happens.

look at the example below!
How Does a Kite Fly?

A kite is an object which is made from a light material stretched over a frame. Due to its light material a kite will lift off the ground and fly when it is tilted into the wind.

To fly, a kite is uses wind to make it fly because it is heavier than air. When wind travels over the surface of the kite, it is split into two streams of air. One stream of the air goes over the kite while the second stream goes under the kite. The upper stream creates an area of low pressure above the kite. The lower stream hits the kite at a shallow angle and creates an area of high pressure. The high pressure area has a pushing effect while the low pressure area has a pulling effect. 

The combination of push and pull can creates enough force to lift the kite into the air. 

lebih banyak contoh dapat dilihat di 'kumpulan contoh text explanation'

Language Feature of Explenation Text
1. Focus on generic,non-human participants,or thigs
2. Use of simple present tanse.
3. Use of temporal and causal conjunction.
4. sometimes, use of passive voice.   

Senin, 17 Oktober 2016

Contrast Conjunctions

A counjunction is a word that links words,phrases,or clauses or sentences. Contrast conjunctions are used to express oppositions.Contrast conjunction consist of transitional,subordinating,and prepositional phrase. pay attention to the following types!

1.Transitional conjunctions
    They are used between two independent sentences or clauses to join them. The transitional conjunction are but, however, nonetheless, even so , nevertheless , still , and yet.

    Example  :
    - Rudi is kind person, but his sister is bad person.
    - You have begged so hard. However, he doesn't want to allow you to go.

2.Suboardinating Counjunctions 
   They are used to join a dependent clause with an independent clause. the suboardinating conjunction are although, thought, even though ,notwithstanding, etc.
   Example :
   - Even thought it was too dark, she could drive her car alone.
   - Although Vita is injurd, she still goes to school

3.Prepositional Phrase
    We can use these propositional phrases to express oppositions. They are despite and in spite of .
   Example :
   - in spite of studying hard last night he could not do the test.
   - despite the rain, they go to school by bicycle.

Based on the types,there are contrast conjunctions and concessive conjunctions.Contrast conjunctions link two ideas that are considered to be different. They include however,but,yet,nevertheless,even so,neither......nor,on the contrary,and,still.There is also a subgroup of contrast conjunctions which is called concesissive conjunctions. They are used to contrast one idea with another where one piece of information appears to be suprissing or unexpected in view of the other idea . Concessive conjunctions include thought,even thought,althought, despite,in spite of,whereas,and while.


Minggu, 16 Oktober 2016

Penggolongan Instrumen Seni Musik Tradisional Mancanegara

Keragaman instrumen Musik Tradisional pada Masing masing negara memiliki banyak perbedaan dan keunikan masing masing oleh karena itu instrumen tersebut dapat kita klompokan berdasarkan :
A. penggolongan Instrumen berdasarkan fungsi .
pada penyajian musik secara berkelompok maupun tunggal instrumen memiliki fungsi masing-masing.

1. Alat musik ritmis, Instrumen yang berfungsi untuk menentukan irama/ ketukan dalam sajian musik.

2. Alat musik melodis,instumen yang berfungsi / alat musik yang bertangga nada berfungsi untuk memainkan melodi dalam sajian musik.

3. Alat musik Harmonis, fungsinya untuk memainakn ritem nada/mengiringi vokal

B. Penggolongan instrumen berdasarkan cara memainkan
1. pukul

C. Penggolongan berdasarkan sumber bunyinya

instrumen yang menggunakan sumber bunyi dari badan alat musik itu sendiri.

instrumen yang menggunakan sumber bunyi dari senar.

instrumen yang menggunakan sumber bunyi dari membran.

instrumen yang menggunakan sumber bunyi udara .

Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2016

Pertumbuhan, Perkembangan dan proses perkecambahan Materi Biologi SMA kelas 3

Pertumbuhan adalah pertumbuhan volume yang ireversible (tidak dapat balik) karena pertambahan itosis dan pembelahan sel

*Ciri-ciri Pertumbuhan
- Dapat diukur
-Dinyatakkan secara kuantitatif

*Contoh pertumbuhan
- Pertumbuhan tinggi badan / batang (diukur dengan aukrometer)
- Diameter batang bertambah besar

Perkembangan adalah terspesialisnya sel menjadi struktur dan fungsi tertentu

*Ciri Perkembangan
- tidak dapat diukur
-dinyatakan secara kualitatif

*Contoh perkembangan
-Munculnya benang sari dan putik
-Munculnya buah

Proses Perkecambahan

*Proses fisika perkecambahan : biji menyerap air (imbibisi) akibat dari potensial air rendah pada biji yang kering.

*Proses kimia perkecambahan :
-Air masuk kedalam biji sehingga biji mengembang
-Air yang masuk mengaktifkan embrio untuk melepaskan hormon Giberelin
-Giberelin mendorong aleuron untuk mensintesis enzim amilase
-Enzim Amilase menghidrolisis pati menjadi gula dalam endosperma
-Gula dan endosperma diserap kotiledon untuk pertumbuhan akar dan daun.

-asam traumalin
-asam absisat

NB : gambar search from google
thanks reader to read my blog ~Khamsamnida~


Materi Sel Elektrolisis Kimia SMA kelas 3

Beberapa reaksi membutuhkan arus listrik supaya bisa terjadi reaksi salah satu reaksi yang membutuhkan arus listri adalah reaksi penguraian elektrolit menjadi ion-ionnya yang disebut elektrolisis. pada elektrolisis:
  1. reaksi berlangsung tidak sepontan
  2. arus listrik diubah menjadi energi kimia / reaksi kimia
  3. katoda negatif (reduksi) anoda positif (oksidasi)
  4. kation (ion positif) bergerak menuju katoda (kutub -)
  5. anion (negatif) bergerak menuju anoda (positif) 
reaksi elektrolisis bisa dilihat dari bagan berikut :

NB : gambar search by google
Thanks for read my blog  ~Khamsamnida~

Sel Volta Materi Kimia Kelas 3


sel elektro kimia terdiri dari dua jenis yaitu sel volta dan sel elektrolisi, sel elektro kimia adalah wahana tempat berlangsungnya proses perubahan energi kimia menjadi energi listrik/energi listrik menjadi energi kimia
suatu perangkat yang merubah energi dari suatu reaksi redoks sepontan menjadi energi listrik.
sel volta sebenarnya adalah rangkaian percobaaan antara logam Zn yang dimasukan kedalam larutan ZnSO4 dan logam Cu yang dimasukan kedalam larutan CuSO4 dalam percobaan ini membutuhkan jembatan garam yang terbuat dari larutan garam NaCl/KnO3 dalam agar-agar.

*fungsi jembatan garam adalah untuk menetralkan jumplah muatan listrik dalam prakteknya energi listrik dapat terjadi tidak hanya dari logam Zn dan logam Cu dalam larutan masing-masing, tetapi bisa dari raksi redoks yang lain selama reaksinnya berlangsung kation ( dengan memperhatikan deret volta)

*Deret Volta